Congratulations to all of our riders on their year-end awards! We had a great time celebrating everyone's accomplishments this past year at the MTHJA banquet, and even had time for some "fun zone" silly pictures 😆
Izzy Sachtleben & Mysterious - 3rd Place, Junior Hunters
Sophie Ferrara & Rumpleminze - Champion, Medium Ponies
Amy Krebs & Hopscotch - 6th Place, Medium Ponies
Amy Krebs & Wynnbrook Polar Vortex - 5th Place, Children's Ponies
Jadivo & Susan Myers - Reserve Champion, Adult Hunters 36+; 4th Place, Modified Adult Hunters
DSH Anka & Ava Hagood - Champion Children's Hunters 15-17
Proverbs 15 & Amy Krebs - 3rd Place, Children's Hunters 14 and Under; 3rd Place, Low Children's Jumpers
Excellent & Margie Hartley - Reserve Champion, Pre Adult Hunters
Dreamwork & Margie Hartley - 3rd Place, Pre Adult Hunters
Stand Alone & Val Stogdill - 5th Place, Pre Adult Hunters
Riverman & Addison Heywood - 3rd Place, Pre Children's Hunters
Delta & Cates Davis - Reserve Champion, Low Children's Jumpers
Caramio & Cates Davis - 5th Place, Pre Child/Adult Jumpers
Khloe McSwain - 3rd Place, Short Stirrup Equitation
Amy Krebs - Champion, 11 and Under Equitation
Addison Heywood - Reserve Champion, 11 and Under Equitation
Abby George - 6th Place, 11 and Under Equitation
